Monday, January 10, 2011

Newsletter: Weeks of Jan. 10-21

Week 18
Focus letter: review letters n,c,o,f
password: not

Week 19
Focus letter: Hh
password: are

Nursery Rhyme: 3 Little Kittens

Three little kittens
they lost their mittens,
and they began to cry,
oh mother dear,
we sadly fear,
our mittens we have lost

Important Dates:
Jan. 14th and 17th: No schol
Jan. 20th: Report cards go home (check inside for updated TPRI, MClass and DRA scores)
Jan. 21st: Pickles and popcorn (please label with order)
Jan. 27th: Cici's Pizza Night

Monday, January 3, 2011

Newsletter Week of Jan.3-7th

Focus letter: Ff
password: play

This week we are learning about arctic animals. We will discuss the different animals that live in the arctic and their habitats.

Important Dates:

Jan. 14 - student holiday
Jan. 17 - student holiday
Jan. 21 - pickles and popcorn
Jan. 27 - Cici's Pizza night


Check out these user's videos on, your chold LOVES these fun educational videos!

- Harrykindergarten
- kidstv123
- supersimplesongs
- erichermanmusic